It's been quite a week first Kaylene & Clead came in from Washington and it was great to have them here. Then in came Kenneth & Delaina and Gerrett, and on the weekend Darrel, Missy and family stopped over for Easter Sunday and we had a great time. Wednesday Kaylene & Clead left and Thursday Charisse & Carson came over. Friday we had a party at the park for Jacey's birthday and Saturday Kenzie was baptized and we had a blowout lunchen at Gina's house. Great job on the pork Jackson. If that wasn't enough the girls all went out and Thad brought chicken and beef over for a Bar-B-Q. Sunday Charisse flew out from Gina's and Kenneth & Delaina drove off early from here. Mother and I are going through withdrawals in the emty nest. We sure do love you guys. Dad